Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thyroid T3 Recovery from Fibromyalgia

What if... your doctor prescribed years of pain killers and antidepressants for your Fibromyalgia... when what you needed was thyroid supplementation?

"Recovery from "Fibromyalgia" with T3
Therapy after T4 and Desiccated Thyroid Failed

Fifteen years ago, I published a case study in which a hypothyroid female dramatically recovered from her diagnosis of fibromyalgia by swithching to T3 after she had failed to benefit from both T4 and desiccated thyroid.
Fibromyalgia researchers who work with their heads buried in the sand of failure will dismiss the case, as they did all those years ago, because the report isn't about a blinded study. However, as Carlton Fredericks, PhD noted, such reports are controlled. After all, the woman recovered quickly and dramatically with T3 after extensive treatment with two other approaches to thyroid hormone therapy failed. It is a failure of intellect that dismissive fibromyalgia researchers saw (and undoubtedly will still see) the study as "uncontrolled." By the very unfolding of the woman's case, the trial was indeed controlled.

This highly illustrative case of recovery from "fibromyalgia" through thoughtful administered T3 therapy has for many years been unavailable except through my office. The reason is that the journal containing the report was sold in 1996 to Haworth Medical Press, which didn't make the issue containing the report available to subscribers.

Today, however, Thyroid Science makes the case report available for perpetuity through its open-access webpages. For those who are curious about T3 therapy and its proper use, and how so-called "fibromyalgia" can be relieved with hormone treatment, we republish this case report. "

Introduction to the Case Report at THYROID SCIENCE