Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Six Sigma and Medical Care

Does your hospital utilize Six Sigma in its planning and methodology?
Six Sigma Catapults Hospitals to Next Level of Quality
If not, the consequences can be very costly to you...and to the hospital.

"Lawsuit could set precedent about end-of-life decisions

Robert Cribb
Toronto Star
Staff Reporter
September 04, 2010

As her father lay struggling for breath in a Toronto hospital bed, Joy Wawrzyniak pleaded with doctors to intervene and save his life.

Medical staff instead stood back and allowed the World War II veteran to die, against his wishes and to the shock of his daughter, Wawrzyniak claims in a stunning $1 million lawsuit filed this week against Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and two doctors responsible for her father’s care.

While Wawrzyniak and her father, Douglas (Dude) DeGuerre, had repeatedly requested he receive life-saving treatment in case of a medical emergency, doctors unilaterally overruled those wishes without consent or consultation, the lawsuit claims...."
Lawsuit could set precedent about end-of-life decisions