Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lyme Disease Conflicts of Interest Uncovered
Note: Deer ticks carrying Lyme Disease do not turn back at the US border.
Patient advocates and physicians concerned with the treatment of chronic Lyme disease finally had their voices heard at a July 30 2009 hearing mandated by a legal settlement between Connecticut's Attorney General and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). More than a year after an investigation by Atty. Gen. Richard Blumenthal into the 2006 IDSA Lyme Guidelines' development revealed conflicts of interest by members of the IDSA guidelines' panel, a new panel heard testimony on whether the guidelines required revision. Insurance companies use the current highly restrictive treatment guidelines to deny patients reimbursement for medical care. "This dialogue would not have happened without the strong vision and leadership of the CT Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who investigated this controversy, uncovered the facts, and called for this review," said Diane Blanchard, Co-President of Time for Lyme. "We hope it sets the stage for further dialogue."
Webcast - available through August 2010

Could it be that evidence of use of a "flawed" test has been hushed up and permitted at "world class" Canadian hospitals to shore up denial of insurance claims in the USA? Cdn "national security" Lyme tests.