Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Penalty for maltreatment of patients? A Pension

From the UK's TIMES online, but we know that similar cases exist in Canada:
"In healthcare, social services and education, those responsible for shocking treatment of the public remain untouched and even flourish. The report on the scandal in Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust points to up to 1,200 unnecessary deaths, including four from one family alone within 18 months. Patients were left lying on the floor in their own filth, sobbing with humiliation. But not a single individual has been publicly blamed in this officially “elite” NHS organisation. Indeed, Martin Yeates, its former chief executive, has since left with a £1m pension pot, six months’ salary and a reported £400,000 payoff."


Perhaps this is a step in the right direction

This article lists the salaries of some of the highest paid hospital and medical administrators in Canada.
Take a look and see if you think they are worth all that and a bag of chips - your taxes pay for this.
Is it possible that a pathologist makes about $10k a day?